CATS assist in new trail on National Trails Day, June 2, 2018, City of Loveland Natural Area

Yikes – the day is finally here. National Trails Day with the City of Loveland on a project to line the new trail with crusher fines. Our two nights of prep helped out a lot as we (CATS) organized ourselves for a quick four hours of intense work. Most our CATS members got there before 8 am or so and had time to check out the displays, sign in, and walk the trail. We found some spots that were short on crush and were making arrangements for transfer from stronger piles of crush. Fortunately, COL had a dump truck load waiting on the side which saved the day. COL also delivered another final load of stone for our last causeway and brother did we love that pile of stone. In fact, it caused us to rebuild the entire causeway (did I use cause twice?). No worries as there were CATS members already working this baby and the new stone was huge and awesome. We needed the height for this particular causeway as it is set in a depression under biodegradable fill and the construction was set to higher standards. No worries. CATS conducted the introductions and tool/safety talk (thanks Dean/Denny/Scott). Denny got started with his crew from one end and pushed them into properly spreading the crush as prescribed. Quickly another crew was formed for Dean to start on the other end of trail which presented some real challenges. The sweeping hill turn needed to be cut and the crush moved over. That process took a lot of time and work. Good job – Dean! Connie and Scott got a crew and moved onto the trail system. Scott was leading his first crew this day and Brandon had the pleasure be his ‘secret shopper’. I don’t know why we call it that as there is no secret to it…. The fun part is that we embed one of our senior crew leaders into crews with apprentice crew leaders to provide backing and answer any concerns they may have. Most other trail organizations do the same thing. It is not spying or critiquing – it is assisting and mentoring. Back to trail – forty citizens came out and had a good time as our photographers took photos and made an excellent video – thanks Tim Morse! Thank you Kathleen for photos of everything including Poison Ivy which we can use in our training slides…

All was done in four hours. Almost all as some of us were still working on that last causeway….Leigh’s Causeway looks fantastic! Thanks to Ben Ziff (Kathleen’s hubby) for assisting on that bad boy. He is a new member today and we threw him into rock work with no complaints.  I heard all good things from all our CL’s and their crews performed marvelously. We closed down the place the citizens left, then the City of Loveland pulled out and we were still there looking for two missing McLeod’s. Fortunately for us, we found them in someone’s section…(no mention) hahahahahha. All is good!

Members: Navy Bob, the Connie, Dean, Brandon, Denny, Leigh, Scott, Kathleen, Ben, Ritchie Clark, Tim

Hours:   4

RESULTS:   New crew leader to add to CATS list, 20’ monster causeway finished, about .3 mile of crush raked into place as a trail


·       Done in four hours

·       Good CL’s provided to city from CATS

·       Fantastic results in time allotted

·       Great weather

·       Great city support

·       Took wheel barrows back to Boise project – thanks Scott and Brandon

·       Picked up another new member – probably shanghaied

·       Two married couples in CATS worked on trail without fighting (just joking)

·       Scott Clark – CATS member from the past made an appearance

·       Finished early

·       Good closing remarks from President (see video)

·       Lots of citizens to spread the love (crush)

·       Cool displays from COL

·       Great new banner on display from CATS

·       Got us another certified crew leader for the ranks

·       Everyone worked hard and no complaints

·       Got compliment on safety talk from a citizen that came up to me and said so (Scott’s safety talk)

·       Saw Brian Hayes out there and Marilyn

·       A gaggle of city folks out there in orange vests and working hard

·       Fun time at El Cielo again…this time we were extremely dirty

·       Compliments were pouring in from members in crews about our work at Mariana Butte



·       All CATS seemed tense in morning? Not sure if that was because of no coffee or just waking up

·       Lost two McLeod’s – but found them after another thorough tool sweep – thank you Connie

·       Some CATS missed group photo – but had to finish the job….duty first  (joking)

·       Tired and dirty – so what is new?


What can I say? We prepped for this day twice and were ready. The vision was clear. The work was outlined. We performed the task. The city will be finishing the tie-in pieces of trail and putting up a professional kiosk at the trailhead. Just to be clear for the citizens out there reading this – thank you for coming out and sharing trail work with us. Now you get to walk this beautiful little trail next to the river. Wait, there is more, we have another trail for you coming soon at Boise Ave, south of 1st Street. We appreciate the folks (ours too) that came out to this particular project on NTD as there is a multitude of trail projects all over northern Colorado.

Congrats to Scott for passing the mustard as they say. Many kudos to Tim for the video product in short turn over time. Kathleen and her camera everywhere, even under bushes and behind trees and on the ground. Our senior veterans – thanks and you know how it goes – you make it look easy. Denny’s jokes are starting a rage around here. The video captured a few. Keep that up – I need some competition. Cannot say enough about that specialized crew that worked their fannies off on that rebuild causeway with perfectionist Bob. Sorry – but it sure looks good in the end. Leigh’s causeway – cause he worked it twice…

No real deep thoughts this time as we are sore and dirty and have to go home and get cleaned up, set out another set of trail clothes for tomorrow at Young Gulch. More fun hiking almost two miles to the worksite and performing rock work. Addiction comes in many forms and never satisfies those that at no time get enough.

On the trail,

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Bob Johnson
Field Director - CATS


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